Luca Scacchetti

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Luca Scacchetti was born in Milan in 1952.
In 1975 he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Milan Polytechnic with a council housing project. In 1987 he began teaching Architectural Design in the Architecture Department of the European Institute of Design in Milan; from 1990 to 1995 he was Principal of the same Department. Since 1993 he has taught Elements of Architecture and Town Planning at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He writes essays and articles on the transformation of the architectural language in Milan in the years between the two world wars and on the nature of rural architecture in Lombardy, as well as many articles and papers on different topics regarding the history of architecture and design methodology; he has also taken part in many congresses and conferences in Italy, Europe, East Asia and the United States. He designs for many important Italian and European firms in the field of furniture, lighting and ornaments.